Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Weimar Republic :: essays research papers fc

Why did the Weimar Republic fail to stand up to national socialism? PASS NOTES.2. 1929-1933 The DepressionNAZI STRENGTHS1. What were Hitlers Talents?2. How did the party change following the Beer Hall Putsch?3. How did the party change following the Depression?The 1930s were turbulent measure in Germanys fib. World War I had go away the country in shambles and, as if that werent enough, the people of Germany had been humiliated and stripped of their pride and dignity by the affiliate. Germanys dream of becoming one of the strongest nations in the world no longer seemed to be a possibility and this caused resentment among the German people. It was clear that Germany needed some(a) type of motivation to beat up itself back on its feet and this came in the form of a charismatic man, Adolf Hitler. Hitler, a man who knew what he wanted and would do anything to get it, single-handedly transformed a weary Germany into a deadly fascist state.In order to understand why exactly Hitler wa s able to make Germany a fascist state, we must study the effects that the end of World War I had on the country. Germany was unexpended devastated and vulnerable at the end of the war. The Treaty of Versailles had left the country without a military and with a large debt that it just couldnt pay. Aside from that, it was forced to withdraw from its western territory where most of its coal and steel were located. This was a major implication for Germany because without these resources, it had no industrial growth (steel and coal are the forces behind industry), which meant that there was no money going into its economy. Without any economic schooling there was no way that Germany would be able to get out of debt. The Allies did not make any effort to help Germany during this time and left Germany to fend for itself (they seemed to be aware that this had been a mistake by the end World War II when they helped Japan out of its economic crisis this is an example of history influencing future actions). The "humiliation imposed by the victors in the World War I, coupled with the hardship of the stagnant economy," created bitterness and anger in Germany (Berlet 1). This is the reason that, when the Allies tried to establish a new government in Germany, the German people were less than eager to embrace it.

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